With school starting back up, I (most likely) won't have much time to post on my blog....I'll try to update on a regular "schedule" (like...once every month or so...and maybe some in between!) but we'll see. :)
Anyway, that wasn't the real reason I am writing this post. :) I plan to give an overview of what we did this summer. Here goes!
In May, Parker and I went to TeenPact's National Convention in TN. (read my post about it here)
In June, we helped out with our church's VBS (Big Apple Adventure!)
....and went to my grandmother's house in NC to visit with family!
While we were there, we had a photo shoot,
(some of us them) took wagon rides,
we visited a farm with some friends,
went to the pool,
celebrated Independence Day,
Home-Made Ice Cream! |
(BBQ Brisket, cherries, strawberries, chips, cole slaw = some of the things we had for lunch/dinner (linner? Dunch?) on July 4th!)
and we made a movie.
For Dad's birthday, we had grilled chicken, green beans, grilled potatoes, sweet tea (you can't go wrong there!), vanilla ice cream and homemade peach cobbler! *yum.* Now, I don't yet have pictures on the computer of Dad's birthday, so you will just have to imagine all the yummy foods etc. :) You can do that, right?
If you have read all the way down to here(and continue to read until the end of the post), congratulations! You have successfully viewed 21 pictures, and read 319 words.
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! And a fabulous fall! And an lovely Labor Day! :)

Love the photo shoot pic! Reminds me of Annie Moses Band and the Dalyrmples, you're just missing the instruments.
Now you have made me crave cheesecake!! You have to show me your movie (and that other one you've mentioned...)!
:) I LOVE pictures like that too!! :) so...artistic! My grandmother's friend took those for us. Yes, it would have been neat to have the instruments...only problem: only 4 people own an instrument. :) Maybe next time...
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