Saturday, November 20, 2010

All About You

I've been wondering: How many people read my blog on a regular basis? How many read and aren't followers? How many people haven't ever commented on my blog? How many get the point. (Thanks to Maggie for the idea! Read her post: Sometimes I Wonder. While you're there, check out her blog!)

So. I'm going to ask y'all 10 questions. Please answer in the comments section. I really do want everyone who reads this post to answer....even people who are reading this ten years from now! :) If you don't have time to answer all ten, pick one! :)

Here are the questions:

1. How did you find Reflections?

2. How often do you read it?

3. Where are you from?

4. What is one interesting fact about you?

5. Do you have a blog or website?

6. What are your favorite type of posts?

7. Have you told your friends about Reflections? Are you going to?

8. What is your favorite blog to read (other than mine :)?

9. How many people are in your family? How many siblings do you have?

10. What is your hobby?

 I'll the comitz section for my answers! I'd love it if you joined the fun, too! :)  Feel free to follow my blog---who knows ? Maybe if I can get up to 30 or so followers, I could hold a give-away!

-Hannah :)

p.s.--these pictures have nothing to do with the post! :)


Hannah said...

1. I kinda started it...
2. almost everyday... :) (as soon as a new post is up!)
3. Georgia, USA
4. I've been playing violin for almost 6 yrs.
5. welllll......
6. family life and photography :)
7. yes!
8. hmmm....Feminine Farmgirl (Jenna) and Joyfully at Home (Jasmine)
9. 6 (7 including the cat...); 3 sibs (2 bros, 1 sis)
10. computer stuff (i.e. reading blogs :)

There you have it! Can't wait to see your answers!

-Hannah :)

Ansley said...

1. How did you find Reflections?
ms. hannah started following my blog, so i started following hers. ; )

2. How often do you read it?
usually whenever she posts

3. Where are you from?

4. What is one interesting fact about you?
i'm a pediatric nurse

5. Do you have a blog or website?

6. What are your favorite type of posts?
ones with pictures or funny stories

7. Have you told your friends about Reflections? Are you going to?
my sister and mom know about it. : )

8. What is your favorite blog to read (other than mine :)?
my other friends and any photo blogs

9. How many people are in your family? How many siblings do you have?
5 in the family, 2 siblings.

10. What is your hobby?
being outdoors, reading, spending time with friends and family

Stacey said...

I will try not to be offensive... :)

I am your eldest cousin that you don't see very often. I like to read your blog when you update it. :)

Happy Thanksgiving Hannah!!

Lulu said...

1. Through Maggie's blog Bliss.
2. I just got here...I'll come back.
3. North Dakota, USA
4. I lo-ove fashion!
5. Surely do!
6. Fashion!! :)
7. I haven't, because like I said I just got here. But I will tell them.
8. My absolute favorite blog is Maggie's, Bliss!
9. I have six siblings! And two parents...
10. My hobby is shopping! And fashion! (of course!)

Haha, this was fun. I'm now following your lovely blog! Also, you could check out mine..if you're interested. :)
