Sunday, July 4, 2010


We went to the park yesterday...a great place to take pictures! :)

It was about 5:15 p.m., and the sun was PERFECT-O!
This tree is unique--just like every other tree. :)

Shoulder rides!

Wild flowers...sorry the colors aren't great...

Yes, Dad posed for this picture. And yes, it made him loose his balance. And yes, I got this not a moment too soon--he "jumped" (if you will) off right after it was taken. :D

Well, there's day 2--I'll try to combine day 3 & 4 tomorrow.....



Anonymous said...

Wow, those are great pictures! I agree, that tree is very unique. B)


Melody said...

Great pix! Was Lydia turned BACKWARDS on Graham's shoulders? ...And Dad usually has terrific balance!! Fun times! Love you! Mom

Hannah said...

Mom and Sarah--

Sorry--I don't know what happened to your comments! I clicked "publish" and it said "the comment has been published".... hmmm.....maybe they'll show up.

Anyway, Mom- Lydia is actually riding on Dad's shoulders!(Cole is on Parker's) And I don't believe she is riding backwards----at least, I don't remember her doing that. It does look like it, though! :) XOXO!

Sarah-- Thanks for commenting! :-) I'm looking for an update on YOUR blog! :D I know your busy though.... :) You have some REALLY cool pix. on your photo blog! I esp. like the sunset you took a while back. (on one of your trips, maybe?) Miss seeing you! :)

Hannah said...

Never mind about the comments not showing up....maybe I'm blind??!!